Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Edamame dan Pete?

Pada suatu hari, gue lagi belanja di Hypermart, sebuah swalayan yang besar di daerah Bekasi. dan waktu itu, lagi ada diskon kacang edamame, kacang yang warnanya hijau, bentuknya panjang. Terus ada seorang anak yang berdiri di dalem troli yang didorong oleh Ayahnya.
Anak : Loh? Pa? Kok pete-nya kecil-kecil ya?
Gue : (nahan ketawa sesaat) hahahaha... (akhirnya ketawa, saking nggak kuatnya.)
Ayah : Hahaha... (ketawa, sambil mesam-mesem malu ngeliat gue.) itu bukan pete, itu edamame.

ini Edamame.

Terus gue ceritain ke Bokap gue, tentang kelucuan si anak kecil tadi yang nggak bisa ngebedain antara Pete dan Edamame. terus, bokap gue komentar.
Bokap Gue : nanti, anaknya malah nanya kalo ngeliat pete, "Pa, kok edamame-nya besar-besar ya?"
Gue : Hahaha... ada-ada aja sih.

ini Pete/Petai.

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Audrey Hepburn

She's adorable, beautiful.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."
- Audrey Hepburn

She got a perfect face, talents, and achievements. she's like, a dream in a fact.

She's an all century's fashion icon.

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009


  • Love me, love me, say that you love me. The Cardigans - Lovefool
  • L is for the way you look at me, O is for the only one I see, V is very-very extraordinary, and E is evenmore than anyone that you adore in LOVE. Michael Buble- L.O.V.E
  • I just have to let you know, that is you I'm thinking of.
    The Love of my life your smile can light the darkest part of me, the love the love of my life. Keith Martin - The Love of My Life
  • Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. Albert Einstein.
  • Open up your mind and see like me, open up your plans and damn you're free, look into your heart and you'll find, love love love. Jason Mraz - I'm Yours.
  • You are my baby love my baby, you make the sun come and go down, you're the everything I've ever dream of. Baby Love - Nicole Scherzinger.
  • And we're stand together this one time, then no one will get leave behind, stand up for love, and sing it, stand up for love. Destiny's Child - Stand Up for Love
  • Nobody gonna love me better, Imma sticwitu forever, nobody gonna take me higher, imma stickwitu. PussyCatDolls - SticwituAnd I hate how much I love you boy, I cant stand how much I need you, and I hate how much I love you boy, but I just cant let you go, that I hate that I love you so. Rihanna ft. Ne Yo - Hate That I Love You So.
  • Love is the definite definition of happiness. Anonymous.

East Java = FUN

feel sorry when the holiday is over. actually its not sorry, its sad. Gue liburan ke malang, actually, batu. Batu adalah sebuah kota wisata yang masuk ke dalam kabupaten Malang, tempat Eyang Putri gue yang cinta sekali sama donut lahir dan besar. tempatnya dingin, daerah pegunungan. dan terkenal dengan apel. ada beberapa tujuan wisata seperti BNS dan JatimPark. waktu gue liburan kesana, kebetulan banget Olivia Zalianty, Marcella Zalianty, sama Tetty Liz lagi liburan disana. mereka naik paralayang (sejenis gantole) yang letaknya tepat dibelakang ruma Eyang gue. jadi sempet liat tuh paralayangnya Olivia yang nyaris nyangkut di hutan bambu. untungnya, enggak. kalo kata Eyang gue, yang jadi member tetap olahraga ekstrim itu, si Bucek, kakaknya Fathir (suaminya Fera Feriska), dan Bucek juga mantan suaminya Titi DJ. i'm sure you know that peoples.

I wore pierre cardin's jeans, plain white tees, edward forrer's gladiator sandals, and next labeled-vest.

Gue agak sibuk kesana kemari, gue sempet ke Surabaya, nyobain jembatan suramadu di Madura, terus ke daerah pesisir kayak situbondo, ngeliat fireworks party di alun-alun kota Batu, cuman sayangnya gue gak sempet ke Ijen. katanya kawah Ijen itu tempat yang bagus banget sampe bolak-balik jadi first destination supermodel kelas dunia seperti Fahrani.

kiri-kanan : Kiki Chairul, Budhe Narno, Mom, Dad, and Anggi Lupita Sari, I took the photo.

terus gue makan makanan aneh, kupang namanya, gue makan di Surabaya, rasanya asin, asem, bentuknya nggak jelas, the point is, i wont eat that again.

kiri-kanan : Anggi, my Tweeny, and me.

this year's holiday is like, everything about east Java. gue baru worth aja asiknya jalan2 ke tempat selain mall, konser, dan bioskop.